SERAP drags FG to UN for reducing education, health budgets (see why and amount) - WELLPRESSBLOG

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Wednesday 3 June 2020

SERAP drags FG to UN for reducing education, health budgets (see why and amount)

SERAP has sent an urgent appeal to three UN special rapporteurs urging them to use their mandates to urgently request @NigeriaGov
 & the leadership of NASSNigeria
 to immediately reverse the unlawful, disproportionate & discriminatory budget cuts to education and healthcare,
...rather than cutting critical funding for healthcare and education.

Nigeria’s budget deficits are caused by excessive expenditures on politicians’ allowances and mismanagement. Nigerian authorities would only be able to commit to fiscal discipline if they prioritise cutting the allowances of lawmakers & the costs of governance in general, ...

...and to stop the authorities from spending N27bn to renovate the National Assembly complex.
We believe that alternative policies and measures, such as reducing the costs of governance, including the excessive allowances for high-ranking public officials and the lawmakers, would have been a more appropriate solution to addressing budget deficits, ... this would increase the available resources for healthcare and education, which in turn would contribute to reducing socio-economic inequality.

Nigerian authorities also ought to show that the budget cuts to healthcare and education are necessary and proportionate, in that they must be justifiable after the most careful consideration of all other less restrictive alternatives, ...

...for example excessive allowances for Nigerian lawmakers, and excessive costs of governance, in general.
According to  information, criteria established in international standards have not been duly justified in the implementation of the budget cuts to healthcare and education

Instead, the cuts appear to be discriminatory against those most vulnerable to poverty and exclusion, and are not protective of the minimum core content of several human rights.

The budget cuts by Nigerian authorities are therefore of special concern as they directly affect the minimum core content of these rights,& impact directly or indirectly & disproportionally on those individuals already discriminated against or living in most vulnerable situations

The number of Nigerians living in extreme poverty has increased since May 2015. The reduction in healthcare & education budgets would exacerbate the prevailing inequalities, poverty, & create a vicious circle of reduction in spending, and increments in socio-economic inequalities

Without the U.N urgent intervention, the Nigerian government and National Assembly would continue to spend the country’s maximum available resources to satisfy the opulent lifestyles of politicians rather than complying with Nigeria’s international human rights obligations... respect, protect, promote and fulfil the rights to healthcare and education the poor and marginalized groups.

Use N27bn NASS renovation money for health.
Use N27bn NASS renovation money for education.
Use N27bn NASS renovation money for health.
Use N27bn NASS renovation money for education.
Use N27bn NASS renovation money for health.
Use N27bn NASS renovation money for education.

We’ve asked three UN special rapporteurs to put pressure on President Buhari and @nassnigeria
 to immediately reverse the unjustified, disproportionate and discriminatory budget cuts to education & healthcare, and to stop them from spending N27bn to renovate NASS complex

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