Do You Use Online Dating Sites? Here Are 6 Habits You Must Avoid - WELLPRESSBLOG

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Monday 6 August 2018

Do You Use Online Dating Sites? Here Are 6 Habits You Must Avoid

Online dating is definitely on the rise, with new sites being launched all the time, and established ventures commanding worldwide memberships running into the millions. Whether you have never tried them out before, or have already tested the waters, there are certain aspects of this type of social connection to be aware of. Firstly, sites like are extremely user-friendly and will equip you to get in touch with a diverse range of potential partners. But there are also pitfalls to watch out for. Here are 6 habits you must definitely avoid.

Don't be too judgemental
There is no point in jumping to conclusions based on a single photograph, because you might well be missing out on someone really special if you browse past a person, having judged them superficially. When you are scrolling through the profiles, try to be a bit more discerning than as if you were flicking through eBay looking for secondhand DVDs. Always keep in mind that behind each of the profile pictures there is a three-dimensional person, whose warm personality might not be reflected by the photograph. So take some time to pore over their descriptions as well.

Don't obsess about trivia

It's very difficult to assess someone on the strength of the information they have been forced to summarise within the constraints of getting a variety of details crammed into a small area of text. So if you happen to disagree with the choice of favorite restaurant or films, don't obsess too much about it. These are aspects of the character you can discuss in more detail as you get to know them better.

Don't take their claims at face value

When people go online they can easily get carried away with hyperbole. They might claim to have a terrific personality or a fantastic sense of humor. These are the types of statement made by someone keen to attract attention. Again, you need to take these claims with a large pinch of salt, as anyone can be tempted to exaggerate when they are trying to create a strong first impression. The truth will come out in due course.

Never divulge personal details

No matter how well you appear to be getting on with the person you are chatting with online, always resist the urge to give out personal details. By all means, do this once to get to know them better, but in the initial courtship stages always keep confidential information to yourself. There are unscrupulous individuals who will attempt to get to know other site users better only to suddenly spring surprises on them, such as a sudden family illness requiring a medical bill to be settled so could they please have a note of your bank details so you could make a contribution?
Keep level headed

When you are in the process of getting to know someone better, there is no point in suddenly inventing a fantastical idea of where things are likely to go. You need to be far more level-headed. You only find out the truth about someone over a period of time, so there's no point jumping to conclusions and creating an imaginary vision which has no bearing in reality.

Don't fixate on their profile

There is only so much information you can glean from an online situation. The person's profile might contain a lot of funny asides about their family and friends, or their quirky likes/dislikes. But the only way you will truly get to know them better is by establishing chemistry over a period of time and eventually meeting offline.

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