Just Jane: Tortured by my sick online lust - WELLPRESSBLOG

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Monday 30 January 2017

Just Jane: Tortured by my sick online lust

I know that my partner is sexually frustrated and angry with me. I know I let her down every time I brush her hand away and reject her in bed, but I’m just not up to satisfying her.

Every time she suggests an early night, my stomach lurches and I go hot and cold. I feel dirty, shoddy and unworthy. I desperately try to get in the mood, to concentrate on the job in hand and make her scream, but I literally wilt.

The truth is that I’m a lying, cheating, rat. I’ve become hooked on seedy sex chats with girls on adult websites. Bored Several times a day I make contact and pay for girls to perform for me.

I’m supposed to be working from home, but get bored and easily distracted. I get working girls to talk dirty, strip and perform certain acts for me.

I hate myself for being so weak. When my partner gets home from work I struggle to look her in the eye. I feel like the biggest loser ever.

The fact is that she’s a really nice girl and she deserves someone so much better than me. She thinks that I’m talented and trustworthy when nothing could be further from the truth. She truly loves me, although I can’t imagine why.

My best mate says that I should do the decent thing and finish with her, but how can I when she has been so good to me over the years? I’m a struggling writer and poet and she believes in me. So much so that she works like stink and pays all the bills so that I can be creative and write my stuff.

The reality is that I haven’t written so much as a shopping list in recent months. I’m no match for her goodness and it breaks my heart that I can’t even give her the one thing she craves, which is true, passionate love.

JANE SAYS: I urge you need to seek treatment for your destructive addiction. You’re on a downward spiral of misery. How much is this habit costing you in terms of cash and self-respect?

Working from home isn’t easy . The distractions are phenomenal. From social media to online games, being isolated is a challenge.
But regaining your self-respect, your creativity and your sex drive has to be your priority. Book an appointment to see your GP and explain what you’re going through. Ask what help is available to you.

Then speak to your long-term girlfriend and do her the courtesy of telling her the absolute truth. If you no longer love nor respect her, then you have to set her free. At the moment you’re not being fair. She thinks you’re one thing, but you’re quite another.

If she finds out the truth from a third party she will be left utterly humiliated and heartbroken. Maybe she’ll forgive you. Maybe she’ll understand and be willing to giving you a second chance. You just don’t know.

But what I know is that this has all gone far enough and that you owe it to yourself – and her – to face your demons and change. Good luck.

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