Samsung wants to end sales of Galaxy Note 7 by Shutting it down - WELLPRESSBLOG

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Monday 10 October 2016

Samsung wants to end sales of Galaxy Note 7 by Shutting it down

Samsung is requesting all of its retail and carrier partners to stop selling and providing Galaxy Note 7 smartphones to their customers, the company stated today. It also urged customers to power their devices down and take advantage of any remedial processes available to them.

The state of the device’s reputation took a turn from really bad to worse last week as units meant to replace recalled ones over reports of their batteries exploding also had their batteries burst.

Here is the statement in full:

    We are working with relevant regulatory bodies to investigate the recently reported cases involving the Galaxy Note7. Because consumers’ safety remains our top priority, Samsung will ask all carrier and retail partners globally to stop sales and exchanges of the Galaxy Note7 while the investigation is taking place.

    We remain committed to working diligently with appropriate regulatory authorities to take all necessary steps to resolve the situation. Consumers with either an original Galaxy Note7 or replacement Galaxy Note7 device should power down and stop using the device and take advantage of the remedies available.

The company has not issued a voluntary recall of the phone. It was criticized by the Consumer Product Safety Commission for not cooperating with international governments to issue and handle a recall properly. All four major carriers in the US and now the fifth largest, US Cellular, are offering another phone in exchange for any Galaxy Note 7 unit. The CPSC said it is investigating the explosions of at least four Note 7 outbursts in the past week. The outcome of the investigations could lead to a second recall of the product.

Yesterday, an official at a parts factory doing business with Samsung said that the chaebol stopped production of the Note. Samsung today issued a statement saying it had adjusted the production schedule of the phone.

Source: Samsung, Android and Me
Via: Android Central

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