Getting your man more involved in foreplay - WELLPRESSBLOG

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Thursday 6 October 2016

Getting your man more involved in foreplay

Have you ever dated a man that just jumped on you out of nowhere and still expected you to enjoy everything? Me neither but there are such types of men that some women have encountered.

If she keep encountering this, is it her or is it him? How do you get your man interested in foreplay so that you can enjoy yourself as well?

You cannot go directly to the bedroom

Foreplay, good foreplay never starts in the bedroom. Bedroom= green light for anything. Foreplay is something stretched out, like even while you are eating or just talking; flirt a bit and be a little naughty while you are in the living room (not around kids though). Otherwise, the minute you go to the bedroom, it can just hit you out of nowhere and you will be disappointed if you wanted something more drawn out.

Don’t be boring and just watch the movie

A movie you can rewind but if you are in the mood just at the right moment; there is no reason you cannot initiate something kinky. Be spontaneous and do something unexpected. You will watch the movie later.

Know how to talk dirty

But it is a matter of with each his own because it is a turn off for some men, others will get irritated and another will actually like it. Know what your man likes and adapt.

Know how to kiss

Unless the both of you are now poor at it and it is just always disaster but kissing plays a major role in foreplay- good foreplay. Also not slobbering all over someone’s face.

If your partner has really bad breath then I get why you might not enjoy this part because two days consecutively (problem of living in Rongai, you eventually know everyone) I sat near some man in a matatu and even when he just sighs; it hits you very badly. In the morning nonetheless, I do not know if he just does not know or he really does not care.

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