5 gross and scary facts about sex - WELLPRESSBLOG

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Sunday 25 September 2016

5 gross and scary facts about sex

1.      Kissing is a bacterial exchange program

About 700 strains of bacteria live in your mouth, and half of those are crawling like a simmer all over your tongue. When you kiss, between 10 million to 1 billion of these migrate from the other mouth to yours, and some of yours cross over too. A ten second kiss is enough to transfer about 80 million bacteria. Though the risk of being infected from that exchange is often low, it still exists, especially if there are wounds in the mouth.

2.      Men are no longer the same

Testosterone levels in men are just a mere quarter what they were only a century before. This means men now have a much lower sex drive, are more susceptible to diabetes and cancer, have shorter life spans and are physically weaker. They are just not as much fun. Speculation points to the changing diets, environmental conditions and lifestyles as causes for the decline.

3.      Some vaginas have teeth

If you’ve watched the movie ‘Teeth’, then know that a toothed vagina is not entirely myth. Dermoid cysts- unusual tumors in the ovary that contain a variety of tissues including hair, skin, bone and yes, teeth-sometimes rapture and work their way downward to the vagina, where they may form teeth. Vagina detanta is not just a folk myth, but luckily for you guys now wetting your pants, it is extremely rare and the vagina cannot bite.

4.      Fishes that swim up the penis

There is a type of catfish found in the Amazon River called the Candiru that men ought to watch out for. It’s less than an inch long, has no scales and is translucent. Its prime joy is swimming up men’s urethra. Once there it makes itself comfortable by anchoring its spines in the surrounding tissue, and settles down to feed on your blood. Oh, imagine the agony that can cause you, plus, it may kill you. Now you have more than one reason to wear protection on your next trip to the Mecca of carnivals.

5.      Women’s sex drive is omnivorous

Apparently women are indiscriminate in what visually turns them on, contrary to perception that they prefer to play it by ear. A study carried out by Meredith Chivers of Queen’s University, Ontario Canada found that women became wet when they were shown a range of visual stimuli including heterosexual sex, lesbian sex, gay sex, a naked woman working out and even chimpanzee sex. However men who participated in the study were not at all aroused by the monkey sex and gay sex if they were straight. Women however were reluctant to acknowledge that these visual stimuli aroused them.

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