10 Things to do with your partner on Innergize Day - WELLPRESSBLOG

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Thursday 22 September 2016

10 Things to do with your partner on Innergize Day

Lie in bed past your alarm

 Innergize Day is a day observed after the Autumnal Equinox. It's a day just for you to relax and rejuvenate yourself alone or with your partner. We take a look at some ways in which you can improve your personal wellbeing and feel good about yourself with your loved one in tow. Feel the stress and worry fade away on this day.

Read a book- You might have a pile of books next to your bed that you want to get through at some point. Sadly on a night when your head hits the pillow, reading is the last thing on your mind. Take this day to catch up on some well needed reading time and don't save it for your holiday. You need quiet time in between. Sit or lie next to each other or in separate rooms- but allow each other time without interruption.

Take a long bath- Run a bath with lots of bubbles, light a candle and pour some bubbly. You don't have to talk, simply lie against each other skin to skin and enjoy the steam and warmth together.

Have a lie in- If you are at work today- delay your Innergize Day till the weekend. Turn that alarm off and allow for some extra time in bed, cuddling up to each other. Open the curtains and watch the sun come up together. Why not have breakfast in bed? You don't on any other day of the week so you might as well today.

Take a nap- If you feel like snuggling up under the covers together for an hour or two- do it. No one will judge you- take some time to give yourself a boost for the latter half of the day.

Spend it in your pyjamas- Why bother getting dressed? You don't have to go anywhere or do anything- spend the day in comfort- you will be ready for your nap and bedtime.

Catch up on TV- You are bound to be some episodes behind on your favourite TV show- so take today to get caught up. Bring the duvet downstairs, get your favourite snacks out of the cupboard and watch away.

Listen to music- Lie on the bed and put on your favourite soothing compilation or music that means something to you as a couple. It will bring back old memories for you both so you can talk about the good times you've shared.

Give each other a massage- You don't have to spend a fortune or travel far to enjoy a massage. Invest in some oils, close the curtains, light a candle, lay down a towel and massage your partner on the bed then get them to do the same.

Sit out in your garden- Pull out your outdoor chairs and enjoy soaking up the sunshine. Or I it's chilly- wrap up warm. Make some drinks and snacks- catch up on the week or just sit and listen to the sound of the birds in the distance.

Write a list of things to do- Take the time out to think about things you want to put in the diary and things you need to do. It helps to have time to brainstorm a plan or jobs you need to complete. It's also comforting to know that you don't have to do anything today but you know the direction you're headed tomorrow.

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